The Foreverbreathe Wall System is designed to minimalize air exchanges while at the same time diffuse moisture levels brought to the built environment by natural infiltration of air. The system establishes additional energy efficiencies via hygroscopic performance and high thermal resistance. The system establishes additional air quality in addition to lowering humidity levels via its components not bringing Asthmagens to the built environment. High impact resistance, high wind resistance, fire resistance, bracing and high moisture resistance are embedded in the system.

Health Based Building is proud to announce our recent partnership with the Asthma & Respiratory Foundation NZ’s Sensitive Choice® Program. Following Sensitive Choice’s Product Advisory Panels rigorous review, the Foreverbreathe Wall System has shown to offer a potential benefit to those with asthma and/or allergies by improving indoor air quality and reducing humidity levels using environmentally friendly, vapour permeable material content. The Foreverbreathe Wall System now wears the Sensitive Choice® blue butterfly logo.

How the system works

Magnum Board™ Rigid Air Barrier

Magnum Board™ Interior Wall and Ceiling Lining

Foreverbreathe™ Paints

Terra Lana Insulation